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堀越 彰 ユニット

 MEMBER メンバー

三舩 優子 Yuko Mifune
― ピアノ ―

幼小時代をアメリカ・ニューヨークで過ごす。ジェローム・ローエンタル、井口秋子、奥村洋子、安川加寿子、マーティン・キャニンに師事。'88年日本音楽コンクール第1位。 桐朋学園大学主席卒業後、文化庁派遣にてジュリアード音楽院に留学。 '91年フリーナ・アワーバック国際ピアノコンクール優勝。 アメリカ・デビューをコンチェルトで果たし、カーネギーホール、リンカーンセンターなどでもリサイタルを行なう。帰国後、各地でのリサイタル、国内すべてのオーケストラと共演。ロシア、韓国、ニュージーランド、トルコなど海外でもツアー、マスタークラスなどを行う。
Official HP: http://www.yukomifune.com

Born in Tokyo, pianist Yuko Mifune moved with her family to New York City when she was six years old. In New York, her early studies were with Mitsuko Ichimura, Jerome and Ronit Lowenthal, and at the age of twelve she returned to Japan and continued her studies with virtuoso pianists Akiko Iguchi, Yoko Okumura, and Kazuko Yasukawa.
Ms.Mifune has captured several impressive awards in Japan, including first prize at the prestigious Japan Music Competition. She graduated Toho Gakuen University and was awarded a 2 year scholarship from the Japanese Government to attend The Julliard School in NY where she studied under Martin Canin.
In '91, she made her brilliant US debut in Los Angeles, winning praise from the L.A.Times. As first prize winner of Frinna Awerbuch International Piano Competition and Julliard Soloist Audition, she performed at Carnegie Hall and at Lincoln Center and her performance was broadcasted throughout the nation byWQXR.
Thereafter, she returned to Japan and has maintained an active concert schedule as a top soloist since then. She has been invited internationally and has toured with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and St.Petersburg Orchestra in Moscow, followed by their Japan tour. Other cities include Seoul, New Zealand, Singapore, etc.
Ms.Mifune has also been successful in the media - having her own radio program, and being the host of NHK program "Weekly Book Review" for 6 years.
She currently teaches at Kyoto City University of Arts and holds master classes and children’s outreach program as well.
Her beautiful sound and dynamic virtuosity have always inspired many audiences, and has also garnered critical acclaim for her broad repertoire which spans from baroque to contemporary music.

堀越 彰 Akira Horikoshi
― Drums & Percussion ―

邦楽と洋楽を融合し民謡を歌う伊藤多喜雄Bandでは国内外ツアーに参加、'03年紅白歌合戦にも出演する。このころ邦楽器と組んだ「東方異聞」、クラシックを基軸とした「SOLO-ist」、渡辺剛(Vl)や深町純(Pf)と「The WILL」を結成するなどセルフプロデュースにも取り組む。「SOLO-ist」はマカオ公演、キューバ公演を成功させる。'08年よりジャズピアニスト藤井郷子率いる「ma-do」に参加。オーストラリア、欧米など、十数カ国ツアーに同行。
近年はパリ在住のアコーディオン奏者taca、二胡奏者チェンミンらと共演する他、尺八奏者小濱明人と「LOTUS POSITION」を結成、NYで活動を開始。シルク・ド・ソレイユで活躍したパフォーマー フィリップ・エマールらと組む「INSTINCT」でも活動中。'14年 クラシックピアニスト 三舩優子とデュオユニット「OBSESSION」結成、活動を始める。都内に2カ所のドラムスクールを持つ。
Official HP: http://www.akirahorikoshi.com

A thirteen-year-old boy, Tokyo native Akira Horikoshi, started to learn drumming from Kazuhiro Ebisawa. Then he haslearned from Shuichi "Ponta" Murakami, and in 1990 made his bow in Yosuke Yamashita New Trio, which have made many tours in Japan, Europe and South America. From 1994 to 2004 he has played in Yosuke Yamashita Duo Plus.
With a performing Arts Company Pappa TARAHUMARA, African percussion players, Indian, Nepalese and Chinese classical music players he has played. With Japanese folk music singer Takio Ito who is famous for his original music style has he went on tours in the world.
Besides working as a sideman he leads his own bands, "Toho Ibun" with Japanese traditional players, "SOLO-ist" with Tsuyishi Watanabe(vln) and Jun Fukamachi(pf) and "The WILL". "SOLO-ist" had performed in Cuba and Macao.
From 2008 he started to play in Satoko Fujii(pf)’s "ma-do", has performed in Australia, Europe and America. In recent years he plays with accordion player taco who has own base in Paris and Erhu player Chen Min.
In New York he has started a band "LOTUS POSITION" with Shakuhachi player Akihito Obama, and also he leads "INSTINCT" with Philippe Aymard (from Cirque de Soleil). In 2014 he plays with classic pianist Yuko Mifune in "OBSESSION". He has own two drum schools in Tokyo.