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堀越 彰 ディスコグラフィー

INSTINCT "The Clown -ある道化師の歌-" (DVD)

Price : 4,400円(税込)


愛と笑いに溢れたドラマチックなライブショーを贈る "INSTINCT"。 シルク・ド・ソレイユ出身のクラウンパフォーマー フィリップ・エマールのフランス帰国に伴い、活動に終止符を打つことになったこのグループのパフォーマンスを収めた120分の音楽劇がDVDとなって発売されました。感性のドラマー 堀越 彰、ロックスピリットギター 白土庸介、フレンチピアニスト フレデリック・ヴィエノに加え、不思議な存在感を放つ田中真聡の"動くオブジェ"にも注目。ボーナストラックに「ピノッキオ-Pinocchio-」収録。

"INSTINCT" presents a dramatic live show full of love and laughter. Enjoy Philippe Aymard's clown performance from Cirque du Soleil, returning to France for other adventures. A 120 minutes musical drama containing the performance of "INSTINCT", marking the end of a chapter of the band, was released as a DVD. With the participation of sensitive drummer Akira Horikoshi, rock spirit guitar Yosuke Shirato and French pianist Frederic Viennot. Please pay also attention to artist Masato Tanaka's "moving objects" with their mysterious presence. DVD also Includes our original version of "Pinocchio" as a bonus track.

 堀越 彰 Akira HORIKOSHI [Drums & Percussion]
 フィリップ・エマール Philippe AYMARD [Vocal & Performance]
 白土庸介 Yousuke SHIRATO [Guitar & Bass]
 フレデリック・ヴィエノ Frédéric VIENNOT [Piano & Keyboard]
 田中真聡 Masato TANAKA [Kinetic Artist]



1. Memory of・・・
・Memory of・・・(Composed by Akira Horikoshi)
2. The Clown ある道化師の歌
・Overture (Composed by Akira Horikoshi)
・炎のサーカス団 -We are a flame circus-
 (Lyrics by Philippe Aymard and Akira Horikoshi/Composed by Akira Horikoshi)
・Build up and Tear down
 (Lyrics by Philippe Aymard/Composed by Frederic Viennot)
3. Live Performance
・Quartier Latin (Composed by Akira Horikoshi)
・ Flor de Ceibo (Lyrics by Philippe Aymard/Composed by Akira Horikoshi)
・月のはなし-Story of the moon-
 (Lyrics by Akira Horikoshi/Composed by Kazue Watanabe)
・King-Kong Kowakunai (Lyrics by Philippe Aymard/Composed by INSTINCT))
・My little Monster (Lyrics by Philippe Aymard/Composed by Akira Horikoshi)
・いまひとりでいる君に-You may be feeling so lonely-
 (Lyrics by Akira Horikoshi and Philippe Aymard/Composed by Philippe Aymard)
4. ピノッキオ-Pinocchio- (Bonus Track)
・ピノッキオの物語 -The story of Pinocchio
 (Carlo Collodi/Arr.Akira Horikoshi)

・良い子になります -I will be a good boy-
 (Lyrics and Composed by Akira Horikoshi)

・ピノッキオ -pinocchio (Lyrics and Composed by Akira Horikoshi)